As I’m sure some of you are aware, I’ve never been very good at keeping my website up to date. Due to the constant shifting sands of social media though, I’ve decided it’s time to change that, not only in frequency but in content as well.
I’ve made several big changes this year;
First, after nearly 15 years of it being sat on, I finally get the rights to back (WOO!). It was lost to me due to a series of ridiculous events back around 2009, and soon it will be reconnected to this site.
Second, after YEARS of saying I was going to take a slow year, a production year, I finally am. I am only attending four (4!) events this year as a vending artist. You might still see me at some of my regular haunts, but as an attendee or volunteer instead of my usual table duty~ While it’s INCREDIBLY hard for me to step back…my brain had become so business oriented that it was absolutely overdue. To see what events I’ll be attending, be sure to check out the FIND ME section of the website.
Third, as some of you know, I tried a fan comic this year. It has NOT been going as well as expected. Between trying to make it fit to other websites, trying to bang it out quickly, getting stuck, getting interrupted, there’s been SO much. I am still committed to getting it done, but I’m taking the last week of January to see how that will look, and then making a decision about how I move forward in a way that allows me to be both satisfied and proud of the product.
The only other big news I have to share is that I’m still here, and I still want to be a safe place, a good friend, and someone that can help inspire. I am doing my best to not be affected by the dark times surrounding us, and to try and be a pillar of support for everyone else walking with less armor than I. Take care of yourselves and I hope to bring you light and love, in some form or another, in the months that follow.
<3 Chi.